Become a PinkHoney Candle Ambassador!

We are so excited that you are considering to become our ambassador! On top of helping us raise more funds for our animal rescue community, here are the other benefits!
- Ambassadors will earn 10% commission on orders they create.
- Customers who use the ambassador code when making an order will receive a 10% discount.
Oh, and you will have access to your dashboard! You will see your sales and commission - transparency for the win! Here is the link to apply:
Ambassador Application Page:
Lastly, I will be creating a Private Facebook PinkHoney Candle Ambassador Group. Ambassadors will have the most up to date scoop on anything PHC, share pictures (pups and kitties are always welcome!) and marketing materials and also build a community! Just please send me an invitation after you fill out the form!
Facebook Page: PinkHoney Candle Ambassador Group